Summer vacation in France is what dreams are made of. Especially when you spend 2 weeks on a fully staffed river barge, sliding effortlessly from city to city, sampling all of the wonderful things that France has to offer. But, alas, all good things must come to a fitting end, and this week I am back home in the states. There will be future posts and pictures of some of the treats of France, but this week is saved for the treat that awaited me at home.
It's tough to leave a Western PA garden in August. That is when the bounty of your toil comes flooding in. Last year's odd weather patterns left the tomato yield quite paltry, and most of us are still reeling from those losses. But this is a different year, and the tomatoes have gone forth and multiplied into large shiny scarlet orbs, hanging heavily from overburdened vines. It is time for BLT's!!!

There are several secret weapons to a knock-out BLT. The first is
Basil Mayonnaise. Whisking this together is a cinch if you are growing fresh basil beside your tomato patch, and it does make a huge difference on the sandwich. When selecting bacon, it is important to find a quality supply. I like the bacon thick and chewy, not too salty. I find
Brittner's Smokehouse here in my hometown does it just right. Next, bread selection is paramount. A good crusty Italian bread is always a good choice in a pinch, but better yet, I'm partial to a crusty semolina, or a hearty farm bread, preferrably from
Mediterra Bakehouse here in Pittsburgh. Traditional European bread cooked on bricks with fire, their bread always looks so beautiful, it's hard not to love it at first sight, but its the first bite that will make you a permanent fan.
Lastly, the tomato. Ah, the sun-ripened, still warm, big as your face, garden tomato. There is not much better than this. If you have never tried an heirloom tomato of the striped variety, such as Mr. Stripey, Pineapple, or German striped, you MUST find one. I am growing 2 types of stripes this year, and they are by far my favorite tomato. Alternating between bright red and bright yellow, having a large core, thick flesh, next to no seeds or icky green goo, and a hauntingly sweet taste, these are the queens of the BLT. Stop by for a bite, if you are in the neighborhood. It was worth coming home for.
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