Having just returned from visiting Belgium and the Netherlands, my mind is on all of the different kinds of foods that we enjoyed along the way. There are some cross overs in the two cuisines, but the Belgians are known as the better cooks. Too bad we didn't get as many meals there.
While in Belgium, we enjoyed beer (duh!), liege waffles (to die for!), escargot (weird street food!), mussels (we wanted more!), chocolate (wow!), flemish stew, and of course, pomme frites...the classic twice-fried potato.
In the Netherlands, the list included lots of cheese (edam and gouda in various age categories), broodje's (dutch sandwiches), poffertjes (little pancakes), hagelslag (chocolate jimmies on bread), stroopwafel (caramel filled waffle cookie), loempia (vietnamese eggroll), turkish pizza (spicy tomato based pita wrap), kip sate' (chicken with peanut sauce), grass eel (actually pretty good), lots of fried fish (really fresh), oh, and I almost forgot, frites and mayo.
As we were shopping for take souvenirs, we were happy to find frite saus in the grocery store. We packed several bottles into our suitcases to take home and enjoy later. This got me to thinking, how do you make this stuff, and can it be replicated at home? After doing ALOT of digging, it doesn't seem like an easy thing to do. If you know differently, let me know! When the dutch need frite saus, they all go to the store. When Americans crave it, they go to the internet and order it. It even comes in giant tubs, just like at the frites stands!

But alas, I will offer something somewhat similar (or maybe even better?), that is a pretty good alternative. It also happens to make a great tomato sandwich, and after all, it is high tomato season here is Western PA. I might even make one myself today, if I can find a decent tomato in the midst of the blight that has struck my garden.
Basil Mayonnaise
1 cup good quality mayonnaise (no low fat here!)
nice handful of fresh basil leaves- chopped finely
1 tsp garlic paste (or 1 minced clove mixed with 1 tsp kosher salt)
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 TBSP high quality olive oil
Stir together. Dip your frites. Or smear on high quality italian or semolina bread and stack with heirloom tomatoes, for a fantastic tomato sandwich.
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