Thursday, October 15, 2009

Take Two: Tomato Soup with a Thai twist

She must have read my mind.  No, I have not had enough tomato soup, yet.  In fact, I'm thinking I could have it every day for the next month, and still be okay about it.  I have to admit, one of the main reasons that I have been writing this blog is a bit selfish.   It's forcing me to write down a recipe.  My problem has always been that I never do that.   Once I make something, it is unlikely to appear on the table again.  At least in the same format.  People have learned not to ask for a favorite dish.  Sometimes I forget how I made it.  Other times, I'll be cooking away and find I'm lacking some crucial ingredient, so I just substitute freely.  But when something really works, I regret not being one to write it down.  This blog is helping with that.  Maybe it is helping you too, to try something new.  I'm waiting to hear from you.  Perhaps you have a jaw-dropping tomato soup recipe up your you?  Send it along please!  The month ahead is long.

Me?  I'm always ready to try new things.  So, as the cold rain/snow mix is falling here,  I chose to hole up inside, and take time to check out a few favorite food blogs.  Luckily, I stumbled on the Luisa Weiss post, only to find her writing about Tomato Soup!   Off I went, to the stove again.  What could it hurt?  Besides, I do love red curry.  I don't often cook with it, but when I find myself having dinner alone, that's when I like to whip out the trusty red paste, stored deep on a shelf in the refrigerator, waiting to see the light of day again.

She was right.  The soup come together very quickly, and is so easy to make.  It is a completely different taste than the one I posted last week, and well worth a try.  The heat from the curry sits at a different place on the tongue, yet warms up the toes just as well.  Yet another hit on the tomato soup parade.

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